
Founder Reis Calfayan has worked in construction since he was 14-years-old, learning from master craftsmen in historical restoration and finishing techniques. Each job was incredibly intricate and complicated, and Reis learned how to take pride in his exceptional work and to stay true to his craft. Reis spent five years working with and being mentored by his boss, an Italian immigrant who specialized in historical restoration work, who taught him a plethora of things, but most importantly how to be an honorable businessman.

After graduating high school, Reis enlisted in the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division and became a demolition expert. Because of Reis’s extensive knowledge entering the army, envisioning how to most effectively demolish structures was second nature to him. He enjoyed finding creative ways to get the job done, and due to his efficiency and commitment to seeing the task through to completion, Reis became a leader and headed multiple demolition raids over the subsequent four years. He even taught demolition technique classes and was well known throughout his division for his success.

Following his military experience, Reis worked for an investment group, where he worked on rehabilitating Section 8 and HUD housing. This job taught him how to envision, plan, build, budget and manage every type of remodel, renovation or new construction project. This stint gave Reis the confidence to open up his own company, Reis’ Calfayan Custom Carpentry. The company, founded in 1993, evolved into what is now Calfayan Construction. Reis became Operations Manager, and his wife, Laura, assumed ownership. 

Earning a Reputation for Quality Craftsmanship

Reis was eager to differentiate the company from other family-run businesses by developing an esteemed reputation. To do so, in 1995, Reis joined the Bucks and Montgomery County chapter of the National Association of Remodeling Industry (NARI), and Reis jumped in with two feet. He took as many classes as he possibly could, with topics ranging from how to become a strong project manager to how to control and estimate cost. The following year, Calfayan Construction, while operating under the name Calfayan Custom Carpentry, received its first NARI Contractor of the Year Award.

Shortly thereafter, he learned about an organization called “Business Networks,” which was a group of similarly structured companies coming together to be evaluated and intensely scrutinized with the goal of addressing underlying issues or areas of concern. Calfayan underwent the grueling process and at the end, they were presented with a list of tasks and other responsibilities that needed to be done to improve the company. Calfayan joined “Remodeler’s Association,” a similar organization to gather insight and feedback from others in the industry to improve operations. Laura and Reis credit Business Networks and Remodelers Association with helping establish a business structure that enabled them to thrive 30 years later.

Reis continued to work with NARI as a board member for the local chapter, a mentor and an educator. Reis taught classes through NARI for over 20 years, and in each class that he taught, all of his students successfully passed. Reis also helped develop several of NARI’s certification programs. 

Since 2000, Calfayan has delivered and continues to deliver high-end projects with the finest materials and multi-faceted creative details, customized to fit each customer’s budget and preferences.